Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Change

Elder Hanni with his new "greenie" companion, or as he calls him, "his bouncing baby boy". He is Elder Rogers from Mesa, Arizona.
The old Moncton Crew
Some members treated Elder Hanni and Elder Benson (Kevin's companion that he had for only 2 weeks before he went home) to a trip to Hopewell Rocks. They have the largest tides in the world with a change of 40 feet. They are standing on what is the ocean floor at high tide.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Return to Kentville

Elder Hanni was able to go back to Kentville for the baptism of a woman that he taught for 6 months before he got transferred. He got permission to go back because he was asked to speak at the baptism.

Amanda Godding

He was also able to see Brad at the baptism. He taught him for 6 months too.

Brad Hubbard- baptized on April 11

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Phone Call

We had a nice phone call with Elder Hanni on Mother's Day. We couldn't all get together, but we were all able to talk to him. Grandpa and Grandma Hanni and Brenda and Perry were here for a few minutes of the call. The Williams talked to him a little later from Washington. Kaylee had left him a message earlier when they were trying to call him (his companion was talking to his family at the time). Brian and Carrie talked to him a little after that. He sounded great. We tried not to make him too trunky, although his time is getting short.

Brooke holding the phone while they talked to Uncle Kevin.

Of course you can tell what this is, but just in case. It is the Moncton Zone spelling out "MOTHER" with their bodies. Elder Hanni is the O.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few pictures

Elder Bloxham, new companion
With Sister Wilson. She is the cousin of Andrew Joy, one of Kevin's good friends. He said "Don't worry, I am not really touching her. It is an illusion."

A few pictures of Moncton. It is one of the biggest cities in New Brunswick, but not that big compared to cities in the U.S.

Elder Hanni got his wallet stolen last week, so now he has no debit card, no drivers license, no temple recommend, no cash. Dad is working on helping him get things taken care of.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Area

Elder Hanni is in a new area now. He is in Riverview New Brunswick. His new companion is Elder Brett Bloxham from Rigby, Idaho. He now gets to travel to Prince Edward Island as part of his responsibilities. His new address is posted, and he is hoping to get a lot of mail.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

With buddies Conner, Tanner and Alexander Westhaver
Tanya Messiah, "a sweet recent convert"

It is transfer time again. Elder Hanni is sad to be leaving Kentville, but excited for the new challenges and experiences he will have in Riverview, New Brunswick. As soon as we get an updated address we will add it. He is still Zone Leader over some of the same missionaries which made him happy. His new companion will be Elder Brett Bloxham from Rigby, Idaho.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baptism of Elizabeth Hartley. Now her children want to get baptized too. Hopefully that will happen before transfers.
Elder Hanni was able to go back and visit Dean Hurlburt in Yarmouth. He was baptized just after Kevin got transfered.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A few new pictures.

From Elder Hanni's February 4, 2009 letter.
"Oh man, yesterday we had a gigantic snowstorm! It made me so mad! We had a super sweet day planned out. We were going to be teaching all day and visiting our coolest people, but then it started snowing and ruined everything. Our car got stuck 3 times. I was driving, so Elder Brawley had to get out and push."
How the car looked after the latest storm.

With companion, Elder Brawley from Arizona

Kisses from a cat.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Elder Hanni's Christmas

Let it snow

Elder Snowman

This is their Christmas tree- not too bad

Working on lighthouse Christmas present for family

The finished product

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Sorry, it's been a long time since I updated this. Does anyone even read this? If you do, comment.

Kevin is doing great.
We have had to ask him a few questions about when we pick him and his plans after his mission for school reasons. It kind of freaked him out because time is going so fast.

An investigator is getting married in the Kentville chapel at the end of February so she can then be baptized. Kevin was asked to be a member of the wedding party. Not sure if that is appropriate for a missionary. He told them they needed to check with the Bishop.

He continues to have great missionary experiences. One of these days he may actually get to perform a baptism. He has been instrumetal in several, but gets transferred before they occur. He is ok with that because the most important thing is that they get baptized, not who does it. He considers himself a "finder".