Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ok, Kevin said that he can't email us picture from the area he is in because it takes too much time. So, I will be posting a few of the paragraphs he writes in his emails.
This is what he wrote in this week's email:

Oh great news! So I got a letter from Elder Miner (my Yarmouth companion) He forwarded a bunch of letters to me and he wrote me a letter too! He told me that Dean (remember him? He was a sweet, elect guy we were teaching) got baptized on May 8th! Just over a week after I left. I was sooo excited! Thats not even all of it! On May 10th he was in The Halifax temple doing baptisms for the dead! So Cool! He has been out teaching with the missionaries too! Oh, man! My soul is filled with joy for him! He was so prepared. He will be a great strength to the Yarmouth branch. Woo Hoo!
I was also informed that there was a baptism in Woodstock, New Brunswick (part of my old area). Woo Hoo!
So, Elder de Jong got transferred to Grand falls, NL. He will be serving with Elder Andersen ( my past comp ). It will be really good for E. de Jong. E. Andersen is a stud of a missionary. He'll lay the smack down better than I could. Ha ha ha.
My new companion here in Bay Roberts is Elder Freeborn. He's from Texas. He is a small guy. much smaller than me. He kind of reminds me of Brian Stauffer, just mini-sized. i'm real excited to serve with him. We're going to go baptize some people.